European standard set for charging of electric cars - Car Rental News
European standard set for charging of electric cars
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Car Rental News - 26/09/2011
Europe’s motor industry had reached an agreement on EV charging standards.
The motor industry in Europe has agreed a standard meaning electric car charging will work across the continent. The car manufacturers’ trade association, the ACEA, is seeking a single standardised plug design to be used for all electric cars.
Ivan Hodac, the secretary general of the ACEA, said the agreement set the way forward for a harmonised worldwide solution. The association is hoping infrastructure bodies, regulators and competing manufacturers around the world will implement the same standard.
Mr Hodac said the association was calling for the European Commission, the infrastructure providers and the bodies that maintain standards to adopt the recommendations and clear the outstanding issues as quickly as possible. At the moment, several different types of charging systems are in use.
The range of charging systems has resulted in the market throughout Europe and around the world becoming fragmented, said Mr Hodac. The main agreement the ACEA announced concerns a standardised plug design.
The industry as also developed a range of detailed recommendations that cover the entire chain from the public charging infrastructure to the automobile’s electricity inlet.
These recommendations give some proposals on how cars should communicate with the power grid. They also suggest how power companies should levy their charges for the use of electricity.
The recommendation covers a wide range of key details. It covers both fast and slow charging systems, using either alternating or direct current.
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